Legal Aid and Support Services
Legal Aid and Support Services

Why This Objective
The main objective of the programme is to monitor accountability and support the implementation of existing gender equality and justice laws, policies, and plans of action and enactment of new ones by the state.
How will WLSA achieve this?
- Legal empowerment through bringing the law to the people by mobile legal aid, at Help Desk at WLSA offices, at all workshops, by self actors and rehabilitation.
- Legal empowerment and rehabilitation of female inmates
- In house lawyers to assist with litigation and carry out in-house counselling and systematic referrals for support services.
- Legal assistance to pre trial detainees on remands, juveniles, PWDs, women and girls.
- PWDs, women and girls.
- Provision of pre and post trial services e.g. transport for victims and witnesses.
- Develop a robust case management system
- Following up and monitoring supported and referred cases.
- Facilitate community cadres to receive paralegal training – demystify the law through the community paralegals model….explore ways of linking with MSU, JSC, LSZ paralegal diploma.
- Effective use of mobile apps, social media and hotline for legal empowerment and dissemination of information on laws and policies promoting and protecting gender equality and justice and contacts details for service providers.
- Strategic litigation of cases with a view to influence reforms of laws.
- Advocating for state to provide legal and support services to the marginalised and vulnerable, especially women and girls and strengthening of the Legal Aid Directorate (LAD).
- Advocating for state to provide legal and support services to the marginalised and vulnerable, especially women and girls and strengthening of the Legal Aid Directorate (LAD).
- Advocating for state to provide legal and support services to the marginalised and vulnerable, especially women and girls and strengthening of the Legal Aid Directorate (LAD).
- Support income generation projects in operational areas and facilitate training on entrepreneurship.
- Training on legal rights on access to resources/ unpaid care work.
Why this Objective?
The main objective of the programme is to monitor accountability and support the
implementation of existing gender equality and justice laws, policies,
and plans of action and enactment of new ones by the state.