Gender Justice and Equality
Gender Justice and Equality

Why This Objective
The main objective of the programme is to monitor accountability and support the implementation of existing gender equality and justice laws, policies, and plans of action and enactment of new ones by the state.
How will WLSA achieve this?
- Actions-research and publication on current and topical gender equality and justice issues
- Research and publication on good practices on economic empowerment contribution to gender justice and equality.
- Gender auditing with a view of influencing the enactment or reform of laws, policies and action plans of, in particular corporate bodies like mining houses, financial institutions and government bodies.
- Court and judgment monitoring on gender equality and justice cases.
- Reporting cases and issues to the Chapter 12 commissions.
- Campaigns, position papers, petitions, policy briefs
- Research and production of shadow reports to CEDAW, AU and SADC protocols on gender.
- Linkages with regional and international bodies on gender justice and equality matters.
Why this Objective?
The main objective of the programme is to monitor accountability and support the
implementation of existing gender equality and justice laws, policies,
and plans of action and enactment of new ones by the state.