Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA) with the support from UNDP Spotlight Initiative is undertaking a project on ending violence against women and girls in Mutasa district. WLSA conducted community dialogues in ward 11 and 22 in Mutasa District. A total of 113 people attended the dialogues. The objective of the dialogue was to strengthen the referral pathway and legal support services.
The meeting was facilitated by WLSA, National Prosecuting Authority, Zimbabwe Republic Police (Victim Friendly Unit), Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Women Affairs, Small, Medium and Community Development Enterprises. During the dialogues, community women and men gave feedback on GBV case management which include delay in investigation and arrest of GBV Perpetrators ;allegations of corruption and the inaccessibility of GBV service providers.Survivors had to travel a long distance to get treatment or medical examinations. The inaccessibility of service provision discouraged GBV survivors from getting the needed service provision. Recommendations were on decentralizing the GBV services such as police, health , courts to be more accessible to remote districts.