Legal Rights Education

Legal Rights Education

Why This Objective

The primary objective of this programme is to contribute to a just society and the development
of a gender sensitive Justice Delivery System, where women and girls are assertive and
empowered to equitably claim their rights.

How will WLSA achieve this?

  • Legal rights trainings.
  • Production of training materials –manuals and IEC
  • Gather, develop and disseminate information through media platforms.
  • Identify and train empowerment study circles.
  • Training on will writing and trusts for a fee.
  • Advocate for alignment of laws to the Constitution e.g. EMA, mining laws and land laws.
  • Engage JSC, LSZ on capacity building of lawyers and judicial officers on estate administration, family laws and human rights instruments related to land, mining, climate change and the link with SRHR.
  • Engagement with legislature and Law Development Commission on model legislation.
  • Ensure provision of legal aid on land rights to women in mining areas and seeking remedies for compensation (pollution, degradation)
  • Monitor whether companies are complying with the environmental, mining laws and policies governing the enjoyment of women and girls rights.
  • Monitor whether companies are complying with the environmental, mining laws and policies governing the enjoyment of women and girls rights.
  • Contribution to the development of national policies & plans of action as well implementation of the same e.g. National Gender Policy
  • Maintaining our ECOSOC observer status with UN and AU.
  • Linking up with regional and international bodies for best practises.

Why this Objective?

The primary objective of this programme is to contribute to a just society and the development
of a gender sensitive Justice Delivery System, where women and girls are assertive and
empowered to equitably claim their rights.

How will WLSA achieve this?